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回帖推荐zh20050926 发表于189楼 查看完整内容 http://www.gzmama.com/viewthread.php?tid=1201514
真巧啊,我妈的老家(很偏远的内地我都没去过)远房亲戚也是生了7个,听说现在第八个也快要生了,不是没有儿子,而是生完一个没多久又怀上了,又不舍得打掉,说多子多福,就这么东躲西藏的捡垃圾打零工过日子,那么多小孩,被分散开寄养在各个亲戚家,去年领了一个来我外婆家说先放养一段时间,随便给口饭吃就行了,那小孩面黄肌瘦的,一点都不像4、5岁,连句完整的话都不太会 ...
michael114 发表于536楼 查看完整内容 (1)Other policy alternatives were available
One type of criticism has come from those who acknowledge the challenges stemming from China's high population growth but believe that less intrusive options, including those that emphasized delay and spacing of births, could have achieved the same results over an extended period of time.
(2)Exaggerated claimed benefits of the policy
Another criticism ...
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